Thursday, January 8, 2009

Queen Charlotte Sound, Thursday

We arrived at Queen Charlotte Sound last night at about 10:00pm, so we had a restful night.  Wellington was very windy - living up to its reputation, and so sailing around Wellington was quite bouncy.  

 Queen Charlotte Sound is at the top of the South Island.  The weather is warm, though when we woke up this morning it was overcast.  This is where Captain Cook landed.   In fact he had five landings here.  Before he left for the first time he planted vegetable gardens so that there would be fresh veggies when he returned.  This morning we climbed up to the top of the island where there is a large waterfall. The walk through the forest of ferns and palm trees is very beautiful.  This afternoon we went to another island which is a sanctuary.  The amount of birdsong was wonderful.  There were nesting penguins, robins with white fronts and parakeets in the trees.  It is predator free so the birds are fearless.  We were not allowed to take any bags - not even camera bags incase we were smuggling in a mouse or other forbidden creature.

M did not come on the excursions today so I was his eyes.  I took many photographs and brought them back and downloaded them right away.  He is feeling a little stronger today.   The sniffle that he had when leaving San Francisco was not going away and the ships doctor has put him on antibiotics.  We are about to hear a lecture on Captain Cook and M is enjoying the lectures, views of scenery from the decks and the fellow passengers.  ttfn

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