Thursday, December 26, 2013

Christmas Day 2013

This was the view from my window on Christmas Eve.  I have never been anywhere more photogenic in my life.

Today is Christmas Day.  We went on an 8K walk this morning - gentle moor-land.  Green and mossy with so many wild flowers.  Yellow and white and purple, swaths of flowers. We were up close and personal with guanacos who are having their babies - soft fluffy big eyed creatures which wobble on long legs. They are cousins of camels - much prettier and more appealing though. Also saw Adean deer, silver fox and pups, caramel coloured skunk, rhea birds (kind of pigmy ostriches), and masses of birds, swans with black necks, geese with babies, condors and many other birds.

Lunch was a Gaucho Asada.  Lambs on spits, and so much else, empandas, pisco sours, sides of beef - on and on - What a Christmas lunch.  All in a lodge around a roaring fire it was a Christmas to remember.  In the afternoon another 8K through fields of daisies, more guanco

Now it is cocktails and we are planning what to do tomorrow.  An all day hike for our last day.

More later.  TTFN

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